How to setup with windows 10

Started by Sheldon, Mar 07, 2024, 11:27 PM

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Its come to my attention that the moment dual ide gets downloaded that windows will block it from being used.  So i put this tutorial together to get you up and running.

Step 1:

-download and install dx legacy which can be found here:
Direct X Legacy

Step 2:

-download Dual Ide zip file found here:
Dual Ide 042 zip


Step 3:

- unblock the zip file by right clicking on it and selecting the check box labeled as Unblock
- hit apply


Step 4:

- Drag the folder out of the zip so we can work on it


Step 5:

- Right click on the application Dual Ide and click on properties.
- Change the setting for all users to run as administrator


Step 6:

- set the compilers to run in administrative mode also found in the /data folder


Step 7:

- right click each folder and uncheck read only.... hit apply
- do this action for each folder and when prompted say to change for sub folders also.

this will make it so you can modify existing code


Step 8:

- run the application and try to build an example program.  If it runs you are good to go.
